Table Tennis

Eligibility criteria: the participation in the CSIT World Sports Games and single CSIT Championships is not authorized for players appearing on the list of the ITTF world ranking. See:

Individual, team, mixed competitions – men and women

Juniors: Team 2 players, Doubles M / F / Mix, Individual

Seniors Male: Team 3 players, Doubles M / F / Mix, Individual

Seniors Female: Team 2 players, Doubles M / F / Mix, Individual

Veterans: Individual

(Juniors less than 18 years old; Seniors from 18 to 50 years old; Veterans: 50 years and older)

Composition of the teams:

– 1 head of delegation

– 1 coach

– a team of 3 males players (maximum of 4 players)

– a team of 2 females players (maximum of 3 players)

– a team of 2 Juniors boys (maximum of 3 players)

– a team of 2 Juniors girls (maximum of 3 players)


Gilbert ELLES

Tabletennis Chairman

14, Rue Scandicci,
93508 Pantin Cedex,

Phone: +33 1 4942 2319
Fax: +33 1 4942 2360 

CSIT Regulations for Table Tennis